Special Interests: experiencing wonder and curiosity

In this section, I will lead you down a magical path, my dear, namely through the chaotic wilderness that constitutes my Special Interests.

I was born in the wrong century. When I was little, I would reply “Professor of Everything” whenever someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. As science became more and more specialised, however, it became increasingly rare to be a scientist who studied various random fields, like fossils, stars, vampire legends, and human languages. Furthermore, my beloved science “salons” of ages gone by also disappeared without a trace. As my Special Interests varied through time, and I started (and stopped) a doctorate twice, I finally gave up on ever becoming the Natural Historian or Hogwarts’ Professor I dreamed of being. Until…I came up with Tales from the Dragon’s Lair.

I will be gradually adding more categories, but for now I have these in mind:

  • Natural History
  • Supernatural History
  • Paganism
  • Myths & Legends
  • History
  • Neurodiversity