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Tales from the Dragon’s Lair

Hi you, welcome to my book blog! I’m Jess (she/her), a 32-year-old book addict from Belgium. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been passionate about stories. As a small child, I had a huge collection of notebooks filled with plots, poetry, character profiles etc. The stories I read and saw fueled my imagination and I made so many diverse friends: at first, it were Fox (The Animals of Farthing Wood ) and Campion (Watership Down), later I lost my heart to Will Scarlet (Robin Hood) and Athos (Les Trois mousquetaires). Still later on, I was fortunate enough to grow up with Harry Potter and characters like Sirius and Remus played a huge role in my life.

Being a proper Ravenclaw, I decided to combine my love for words with my passion for academics and completed a university degree in Literature and Linguistics. We focused mainly on the big names of the literary world and on “serious, adult fiction”. To be very honest: I wasn’t too impressed. To me, a good story should contain the following ingredients:




And somehow, much of what is called “proper, serious literature” does not seem to agree with me. No wonder my book blog is about Fantasy, YA and NA fiction! 😉 I do also enjoy contemporary YA/NA as well as some of the classics of English and French literature and poetry though. But I will pick an improbable romance with lots of magic over James Joyce any day of the week!

So why Tales from the Dragon’s Lair? I assume that by now, it will not surprise you to learn that I am rather fond of fantastical beings like Dragons. As it happens, so is my boyfriend. Because of this, we decided to name our house the Dragon’s Lair. I believe it’s fair to say that I tend to hoard stories very much like a dragon does treasure 😉.

On this blog, you will find reviews, interviews, giveaways, and more. My review system is quite straightforward: I award each book with 0 to 5 gemstones :

Gemstone Rating Overview
Gemstone Rating Overview

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