Author Interview: E.V. Sauvage

A couple of weeks ago, I read The Sound of Steel by E.V. Sauvage. I was immediately intrigued by this book, as it is the only one that I know of that exists in two versions: a Young Adult one (Light Version) and a New Adult one (Dark Version). I – of course – picked the Dark Version for my initial read and loved it. Loved it so much that I’ve since also purchased the Light version <3

The Sound of Steel is a fantasy tale and the story of two young women who are indebted to a rich merchant and who are working as his spies to earn back their freedom. One day, their master sends them to spy on visiting royalty of the neighbouring Fey kingdom, and more precisely, the twin princes. Tasha and Misha quickly get tangled in the intrigue though. Can they survive the mission and regain their freedom?

Want to know more about this book? Check out my review on Instagram or Goodreads!

Intrigued? You can find The Sound of Steel on Amazon: Dark Version (eBook, Paperback, Hardcover) – Light Version (eBook, Paperback, Hardcover)

Thanks again, E.V. Sauvage, for agreeing to this author interview!

Author Interview

About the author

About the author: E.V. Sauvage
About the author: E.V. Sauvage

My favorite…

  • color: dark teal (The color of Adam’s eyes if you can guess! lol)
  • animal: tiger 
  • book: it changes all the time depending on my mood (but the throne of glass series might be the one I love the most)
  • movie: Moana (was born there, so it might be a bit of nostalgia)
  • writer: if it was only based on my shelves I’d say JLA but I think SJM and Danielle Jensen come first
  • dessert: this one is hard because I LOVE desserts! cheesecake, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate cake (I can’t choose)
  • season: Summer (I truly hate when it’s cold!)

What is your favorite time and setting to write? 

I’m kinda weird, I write on public transport on my way to and back from work but other than that I’ll be sitting on my couch with my laptop on my lap.

What was your favorite book as a kid? 

Harry Potter. Each Christmas I disappeared with my book once the presents were opened and no one could get me out of the book until I was done with it

What kind of book would you like to write one day? 

I have so many ideas! Once the two series I started will be over I’ll write a modern romance with Greek Muses! (the ideas for 2 out of 9 books are already in my head, and I already wrote the prologue!)

Who is your literary hero?

Hermione Granger. She’s a miss know-it-all but without her, no one would have survived past book 1. She’s the true hero of the Harry Potter series.

What is your motto as a writer? 

When you want you can (it sounds a lot better in French lol) 

What is your dream as a writer? 

To be read… simply to share what I write with the world, more than just sharing my stories with my family and friends (It’s probably better if my family doesn’t read the monstrous surprise series though lol)

About The Sound of Steel

What did you like best about writing this novel? 

I created a whole new world and I got to escape reality anytime I wanted to just with putting words on my computer 

Which is your favorite character?

I can’t pick between any of the girls… I poured a bit of myself into each one of them. For the guys, I obviously built Adam as my dream man (for a lot of reasons). But the one I have the most fun writing is Marco (You’ll meet him in book 2! He’s easygoing and such a flirt, it’s bound to bite him in the ass at some point!)

Which character did you find the most difficult to write? 

So far, Elena, the princess, because she’s so far from anyone I know in her current state. I’m just waiting until she gets where it’s going to be fun.

Why did you make a dark and a light edition?

I told my family I was writing a book… I wrote the dark edition first and knowing it’s in English and that my family isn’t really fluent in English I thought I would be okay like this. But then they started to say they would make the effort to read it because it was ME who wrote it and I was like “That won’t work, they can’t read THAT!” so I decided to make the light edition and I realized it was actually helpful to some people because not everyone is comfortable with smut in stories. 


FMC of The Sound of Steel

What is her biggest dream? 

To be free, with no master ordering her around. Sadly she’s bound to someone for quite some time in the series 

Who would she love to meet? 

Her family, especially her parents since she’s an orphan (book 2 might give her a bit of that even if sometimes when wishes do come true we would prefer they didn’t)

What did she want to be when she grew up?

A seamstress, to add pockets to all the dresses and skirts 

What did she teach you? 

That my big ass wouldn’t fit a sewer entrance either! lol. More seriously, that, friends are the family we pick for ourselves

About the The Sound of Battle Series

How many parts will there be in the series? Will the next parts be available in two flavors too?

It’s a trilogy +1. The second book is being read by my alpha readers at the moment and should be available in dark and light editions. There will be a book 2.5 that is built a bit differently (I already have a bit more than half of the book written) but this one will only be in dark edition. I’ll make a “previously in book 2.5” chapter at the beginning of the light edition of book 3 to sum up what happened. 

What can you tell us about the next part in the series? 

Tasha will meet new people, her life is going to get even messier. She’ll also get closer to the prince. Misha will start a new adventure and will discover some important parts of her past. We get to follow a new character (one that we already met in book 1 but that we might have forgotten). She’s harsh but has a big heart (even if she tends to hide it very well). Mysteries will be solved and others will arise. 

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