Review: Naakt als harnas – Will Jensen

A while ago, I started burlesque classes, taught by Davina. I had been meaning to do so for a while, but burlesque is so far out of my comfort zone that I had never dared to take the leap before. In the meanwhile, the weekly class has become one of my favourite moments of the week. It’s such an amazing type of dance, an incredibly nice group, and you cannot believe how empowering it feels! Davina told us that there was also a book about her life, written by author and journalist Will Jensen. Of course, I had to read and review it as part of my Dragon Adventure Series*!

*Dragon Adventures: reviews of books that aren’t Young Adult, New Adult, or Fantasy.

Attention: this book is currently only available in Dutch!

Naakt als harnas

Naakt als harnas (Nudity as Armour) tells the story of Davina, starting back when she was still the little Gerda, over the period in which she performed striptease acts in multiple countries, to the present in which she teaches dance classes. Her book provides the reader with insights in a world that remains a mystery to most. However, at the same time, the story remains very recognisable, especially the parts regarding personal relationships.

I truly enjoyed reading this book. It’s such an easy read and it balances funny scenes with touching ones. Of course, I know Davina personally as I attend her classes, so I found it a bit weird to get such an extended view in the life of someone I know. At the same time, I found reading the story to be a very enriching experience. I read on her website that she also provides coaching in which she uses parts of the book and after reading it I can imagine that that would indeed be a good coaching tool. Especially the last part of the story in which she zooms in on the way in which different types of dance like striptease (and burlesque) can improve a person’s self-esteem was very recognisable to me. I can also wholeheartedly agree as I’ve noticed I’ve grown too thanks to these classes. There are many paragraphs that invite the reader to reflect and that express such a positive vibe, like for example this one:

I know who I am, I love myself, so I’m never alone as I always have myself. I know where I come from and where I want to go. I follow my own path. And if there isn’t one, I make a new path and walk it, head held high and with full confidence in myself and the universe.

Note: Translated by me

Isn’t it magic what words can do? I’m very much interested in personal development and spirituality (esp. witchcraft), so positive affirmations like the citation above are something I really love. Would be a nice one to display in a frame or something too.

It’s remarkable how lives can be different and at the same time recognisable. The first part of the book is mainly focused on Davina’s experiences as a stripper. I loved getting insights in a world that is totally unknown to me. The story looks at the night life from different angles and it shows the reader how fast, busy, beautiful but also dangerous the life of a dancer can be. At the end of the book, there’s also a chapter with pictures which was a great way to complete the story. There’s also a section with a more in-depth explanation of some of the topics that were discussed in the story, like the rise and fall of the Zillion club (famous dance club in Belgium), witchcraft, and sweat lodges. Last but not least, the book includes a list of appearances Davina has made in the media. Thanks to this, I’ve rewatched FC De Kampioenen (Flemish Sitcom about a soccer club) for the first time in years :p Apparently, one of the main characters once took pole dance classes and Davina appears in that episode. I kinda want to learn pole dancing now, it looks very cool!

I recommend everyone to read this book and to start burlesque classes! Five out of five gemstones:

Five out of five gemstones
Five out of five gemstones
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